Medical Care

Pumping Up

Everybody knows that blood pressure affects health. We’ve become educated about the risks of high blood pressure or hypertension; untreated, it can lead to heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes, and kidney failure. And, it’s a common problem; 50 million Americans have blood pressure readings over 140/90–placing

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Boning Up

When bones lose calcium and get thinner the process is called osteoporosis. Over 26 million Americans have osteoporosis, and the overwhelming majority are women. This is a common phenomenon as people age, and the risk of breaking bones increases because of it. By age 65, one third

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The Anus as a Whole

Ah! The season of yard work is once again upon us. It’s time to push lawnmowers,and carry large bags of topsoil, fertilizer,and mulch. Although there is no official season for hemorrhoids, heavy lifting, prolonged standing and straining are all factors associated with their development. Many people do

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On Pins and Needles

Although Acupunture has been an established medical treatment in China for several thousand years, it has only been utilized as therapy in the United States in the last two centuries. We know that Bache (an American physician) used acupuncture in his practice in the 1820s. Subsequently, in

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